tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 01 13:50:23 1995

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KLBC: E pluribus unum

So'wI' chu'Ha'lu'

chargwI': mughlu' qatuchqu'    >}};-)

I've been trying to get this for about a month now and nothing seems right.
I've settled on two different ways of saying "E pluribus unum" (out of
many, one), but I can't convince myself that either are correct. Please
review the constructs and explain why they are wrong. Thank you.

a)  wa' law'choH moj

b) law'vo' ghoS wa'bogh

I've also been trying to figure out if the "A Q law' B Q puS" construct is
applicable here or not, but can't really think of a way to say it that way.


So'wI' chu'lu'ta'

      vay' yIHub Hoch 'ej Hoch tIHub vay'
                                          - DumaS
vIta'pu'be' !!!   tlhIngan ghaH *Bart Simpson*'e'
Steve Weaver       [email protected]

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