tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 29 15:06:14 1995

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Re: This book I just got, part 2

>Well, it's *partly* true... (a little knowledge is a dangerous thing).
>"-mey" is the pluralizer for general use (i.e. for things that aren't
>sentient beings or body-parts).  However, it is correct to use it instead
>of the sentient-being pluralizer "-pu'", and if you do, it carries a
>meaning of "scattered all about" (using it in place of "-Du'" is poetic and
>I won't talk about it here).  So "puqpu'" means "children", while "puqmey"
>means "children all over the place."
 They're talking about food that is called 'rrotmey' (they have it in all 
caps) it says exactly 
  " these mall (I assume it's a typo for small) fried grubs look like brown 
spheres. They are difficult for tourists to avoid. The suffix "mey" in their 
name means "scatterad all about"  The finger foods are served at any Klingon 
  the delicious food is the nearest klingon equivalent to Terran "popcorn" 
Much of thier flavor comes from acid. The acid prodeces a pleasant, warm 
feeling in Klingons. It burns a hole through the stomach linging of non 
klingons. While not immediately fatal, 'rrotmey cause great pain. Unless 
medical attention is immediate, a handful of Klingon "popcorn" will be the 
last thing you eat "




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