tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 29 12:59:41 1995

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Re: Klingon book I picked up.

Unfortunately, Jim, a lot of it is made up out of whole cloth, and based
almost entirely on a very few peoples' opinions.

I don't recall if there's anything about the language in it, or not, but I
would be suspicious of it.

You're better off rereading your back issues (if you've ordered them, and if
not, why not?) of HolQed.  For cultural data, contact the nearest chapter of
KAG (Klingon Assault Group) for details -- many of their members have worked
out a lot more extrapolatory data from canonical sources than I suspect Van
Hise and his ilk to have done.  (Boy, did that participle dangle).

If your interested in the military aspects of Klingon life, there's also a
group called the Klingon Military Academy Fan Club, of which I am a member,
which includes courses on strategy and tactics, theoretical ship
construction, and military operations in general.  E-mail me if you'd like
further details.

(known as Jim Fox-Davis to the tera'gnan)

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