tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 20 01:20:23 1995

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Re: "It was raining hard"

>> I needed one more fare to make my night.
>> mevpa' jIH Qav jIH DIl nuv vISuqnIs

If the above way was the best way to say "I needed one more fare to make my 
night" would the sentence structure be ok?  My thinking on it was that since 
there is no 'fare' in tlhIngan Hol, the "Qav jIH DIl" should be all together 
and act like the verb, with "I needed" as the subject and "before I could 
stop" as the object. Is that the right way to think about it?

>Don't forget your verb prefixes, you would say 
>{jImevpa'} instead of {mevpa' jIH}.
>You could say:
>DaHjaj ram jImevpa' leng DIl raQpo' latlh 'e' vIpoQ.
>(Before I stop tonight, I require that another passenger pays for a trip.)

 Ok, thanks!



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