tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 19 19:42:45 1995

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Downtime -- Please Read

Today, I accepted a job with Netcom Online Communications, with a job title
of "Network Administrator".

I'm sure about half of you on this huge list of folks I just mailed just
went "huh?" at that.  Let me explain...

If you're getting this, it's because you are on one of the machines I own,
run a game on one of the machines I own, or are on a mailing list on one of
the machines I own.

To get to my new job, I have to travel 3000 miles -- From Hackensack, NJ, to
San Jose, CA. In doing so, all my computers, that you all know and love,
must go offline (the movers insist that there's no net connection in
the moving truck -- Can you believe that?).

I expect my machines will go completely offline sometime on the afternoon
of June 30th. The predicted downtime is, at this exact moment, unknown, but
I espect about 2 to 4 weeks. I'll have something set up (I hope!) so that
email will not bounce, but no other services will be available.

I'll update everyone as I know more -- I just accepted the job today, so
there's a LOT to do before plans become firm. I'll try to get backup
servers for as many services as I can, but I won't guarantee ANYTHING until
I can secure it.

Just thought I'd let everyone know what's happening. More as it happens.


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