tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 06 13:51:30 1995

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Re: Re PetaQ

The phonological nature of comparing sounds, even given high-tech
equipment does not turn petaQ into be'taH, even betaQ.  However, /p/ and
/b/ and any other unvoiced/voiced (soft/hard) stop (consonant) do *not*
travel well in the type of narrow spectrum assigned to television audio. 
This is the problem in your analysis.

The fidelity of tv audio is so poor, that actually, a small dialectical 
variation by Roxann Biggs-Dawson in her pronunciation of /p/ could easily 
end up "sounding" like a /b/.

The truth is that as we've heard petaQ pronounced before, it is turned 
into a unaccented syllable + accented syllable.  This makes

Since the initial /p/ is in an unaccented syllable, it loses the usually 
strong aspiration in an initial English /p/...  This makes it also sound 
more like /b/. 

But it's /p/.  The closed caption clearly read PETAQ....

Anyway, as for the idea of "negative woman"....  There is no clear Hol 
analog to the English prefix anti-...  Maybe "gholbe'" would be an 
acceptable noun-noun compound for "opposing woman" and a cute pun on 

<[email protected]> #1 910 759 5532, fax -6142 ..Pardon me, but if I must
David E G Sturm, Laboratory Manager            operate in a vacuum, may
Wake Forest University Department of Physics   I at least have a little
7507 Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem NC 27109  ether to calm my nerves?

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