tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 01 06:14:28 1995

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Re: Translation of Goodbye

>Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 09:26:47 -0400
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: Alan Anderson <[email protected]>

>Martin W. van Arkel wrote:
>> I am looking for the translation of the word or meaning "goodbye".

>Once again, I employ my standard answer to a question of how to translate
>something.  What do you mean when you say "goodbye"?  I believe the origin
>of the word is something like "God be with ye" -- if that's what you want
>to say, then you can try "Walk with Kahless" or "May Kahless accompany you."

>If you just want a word or phrase to use when leaving someone, then you can
>say {Qapla'}.  That seems to be pretty common.  The TKD's introduction does
>say there are no words for greetings; it's not so clear on closings.

If I'm not mistaken, when Okrand was interviewed on National Public Radio,
they asked him something about what "goodbye" would be, at the end of a
conversation.  He said that a Klingon wouldn't say anything, but would just
get up and leave, the conversation being over.  At that, you hear the sound
of a chair moving, footsteps leaving, and the door closing.  End of

Makes sense to me.  We're told in no uncertain terms that Klingons have
little patience with social niceties and phatic speech in general.  You
state your business, conclude it, and go away so I can get back to what I
was doing.

If you *must* have a parting, stick with Qapla', like we see on Trek.

>-- ghunchu'wI'


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