tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 25 14:08:10 1995

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Re: De'wI' mughwI'

>Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 06:45:15 -0500
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: Alan Anderson                        <[email protected]>

>*subject* vImughlaHbe' 'e' muberghmoH.

Hmmm... lughbe'law' mu'tlheghvam.  "*subject* vImughlaHbe'" Daja'.  wanI'
'oH Dochvam'e', qar'a'?  'ej berghlaH'a' wanI'?  ghobe'!  'ej nuq 'oH
"muberghmoH" *object*'e'?  "jIH", qar'a'?

Well, it's a little more complicated than that, so I'd better drop into
DIvI' Hol.  The pronoun "'e'" can only be the *object* of a sentence.  So
it's the object of "berghmoH"... it's the thing that's made irritable?
Events aren't generally made irritable.  The fact that you already have an
object for the sentence (jIH, in the prefix mu-), isn't so bad, since that
could be the direct object (jIHvaD), as seen in other constructions.

Basically, you're trying to use a sentence as the *subject*, a construction
we don't have as such in Klingon.  Deal.

>De'wI' muchwI' ja'lu'pu'.
>'oH jiHvaD Daj.

I think you still have the word-order problem.  I don't understand the
first sentence much at all, and the second should be "jIHvaD Daj 'oH":
things that aren't objects or subjects come first, then the object (none),
then the verb, and *THEN* the subject.

>nuqDaq mughwI' De' joq vInej?

""-Daq mughwI' De' joq DaSuqlaH, 'e' vIHar.


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