tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 25 03:38:11 1995

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(n) orbit?

I've been following the {bav} as noun discussion.  I agree that trying to use
_every_ verb as a noun of similar meaning has too little justification.  Until
there is either a canon usage of {bav} to mean "an orbit" or we are told by
Mr. Okrand that it can be used in that way, I think we shouldn't do it.

However, in the spirit of encouraging discussion, I offer this.  As I was leafing
at random through TKD, I came across the following relevant set of definitions:
    {Don} = (v) parallel, be parallel, go parallel to
  {HeDon} = (n) parallel course
     {He} = (n) course, route

Since we also know that
    {bav} = (v) orbit
I suggest we consider the possibility that
  {Hebav} = (n) orbital course or path        ** proposed new word
I'm proposing a newly _discovered_ word, of course, not a newly _invented_ one! :-)

If we stretch just a little, we might try to use {bav} as an adjective.
    {bav} = (v) orbit, be an orbit            ** proposed extension to definition
Then {He bav} would do just fine without needing an entirely new word.

nuq bIQub?

-- ghunchu'wI'

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