tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 22 19:52:16 1995

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Re: "Klinzhai" font / Worf

>>Worf might have been named using this or some other dialect, rather 
>>than the "favored" tlh-H dialect. His parents might have named him thusly
>>for any of anumber of reasons: as an affront to council, to declare their
>>independence from it, because of their cultural heritage, etc.
>Also, they could have named Worf to keep in line with a previous council's
>"favored" dialect, then having done so couldn't change it when a new council
>came to power.

I prefer to believe that it's actually /worv/, or some such construction
which conforms
to tlhIngan Hol phonology, which was mis-pronounced by his non-Klingon
Terran parents.    {{:)



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