tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 22 19:41:17 1995

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Re: "Klinzhai" font / Worf

I think a lot of us just "assume" that in a particular dialect, >worgh< 
comes out as /worf/.  Not unlike what happened in English "cough" and 
"laugh"  (evolution of a uvular sibilant to a labial sibilant--although 
the voicing is a problem here, should be /worv/....)

Okrand was just lucky that the Klingon names in TOS all mapped over to 
the CVC structure...  It's interesting to look at it, since the /kl/ in 
Klingon and /kr/ in Kras, Kryton (and ST3's Kruge, Valkris) obviously 
made him get creative in positing the >tlh< and >Q<....  Combined with 
the /k/ going to >q< gives Klingon the unique feature of having no velar 
K's....  A *big* inside joke, since the TOS staff had made all Klingon 
males start their names with the letter K....

Of course, Roddenberry didn't consult with Okrand when the name "Worf" 
was devised in mid 1987, mere weeks before shooting began on Encounter at 
Farpoint...  Imagine if he had!  We'd be talking about "Worgh" no doubt!

<[email protected]>    >1 910 759 5532, fax -6142<  "Pardon me, but if I must
David E G Sturm, Laboratory Manager                operate in a vacuum, can
Wake Forest University Department of Physics       I at least have a little
Box 7507 Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem NC 27109  ether to calm my nerves?"

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