tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 21 08:52:35 1995

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Re: }} 2 mailing lists now ???

>From: [email protected]
>Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 16:14:32 -0400

>I believe you're not taking the long view.  One of the truly incredible
>things Jay's stewardship of the mailing gave us was the complete index of all
>posts (searchable by poster, date, title, and keyword) ever made to the list.
> This is a great resource, particularly for folks starting late (and believe
>me, you can expect to see more and more people joinging the list, becoming
>more fluent in Klingon, and adding their own cha' DeQmey.

>I don't see two separate lists as being desirable.  We have the KLBC header
>for newbies to post to, and I believe there are only a handful of readers of
>this list who would not benefit from skimming thru those beginners' posts.
> As for the endless annoyance of whiners adding and trying to unsubscribe,
>they seem to be part of the list, and having two lists won't change that.

I really have to agree with Lawrence here.  (note also that Jay's list,
despite the test posting, is not ready for prime-time yet, due to bandwidth
constraints).  This temporary list has been a wonderful stopgap, but
keeping track of *TWO* Klingon-language lists would mean twice the headache
and twice the mail-spam but not twice the content or twice the
convenience.  How long will it take newcomers to learn the putative
distinction between these two lists and stop posting everything to both?
Ages, if ever (I don't know when *I*'d get them straight).  Would anyone
really subscribe to one list but not the other?  I doubt it.  Anyone who
wants to study Klingon would *have* to follow both English discussions of
the grammar and the Klingon side as well, even people who didn't understand
Klingon, if only to see it in use and to see where all the discussions on
the "English" side were coming from.  So we have two putative lists with
exactly the same subscriber-list... what have we gained?  That we can tell
from the header what the topic will be about?  Allow me to introduce you to
an invention called the "Subject:" line.

Two lists would mean searching two different places for any information in
the archives, and usually getting it in duplicate.  What's the point?  If
you want to follow only some threads, use Subject marking; that's why
Kahless created it.


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