tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 08 00:41:51 1995

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}} FTP can be made available.

Since I've heard nothing about returning, and possibly Jay is 
having some trouble getting his new arrangement working, I'll be more 
than glad to add files here at

Instead of ftp, majordomo provides a mail method to obtain files.

To PUT a file, send it to me [email protected] with a note about what it is.

To see what files are available, you send majordomo the command

  index kli

Which returns a unix dir output (that variety of ls with annotations).

Then you send a command like

  get kli translator.dos

And it all comes by mail.  You then extract it and voil`a!


PS, of course, YOU all will have to mail things to me if there is to be 
anything in the kli.archive.... So if anyone has the old ftp site 
on disk...........

Dave Sturm, Stargame Council.  owner-ds9-talk, mgr SG50 Coffeeshop,
Maintainer of kli and sf-news lists, GM of ds9 and mizzou RPG's
klingons Thought Admiral qembeltaS, and many other things....  For a list 
of Stargame lists, send <[email protected]> the message "lists"

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