tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 04 09:34:33 1995

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Re: }} KLBC!!!

Chris Nielsen writes:
>Sorry, bad choice of words again...  I was wondering *how* the computer
>helps you, i.e. is this a program you've written or is it available in
>the public domain?

I use two different computerized assistants on two different systems.
D'armond Speers has written a truly wonderful program for MS-DOS. It
used to be available from the KLI FTP site ( You
should look there when the KLI's computer gets completely reconnected
to the net.  I also use a database on the Macintosh which is just a
copy of the word lists in TKD.  I had been using a Hypercard stack to
break down words into their prefix-root-suffix translations, but that
stack had enough small errors that I was afraid I was beginning to
learn an accidental "dialect".  I hope soon to be able to port the
MS-DOS {pojwI'} to Macintosh.

 -- ghunchu'wI'

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