tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 03 23:04:10 1995

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Re: }} KLBC!!!

Chris Nielsen writes:
>BTW, I've got a TKD - how does having a computer help?

Having a computer translate words is a LOT faster than looking them up
in the dictionary.  This isn't lojban, so the computer can't do a very
good job of translating entire sentences, but what would be the point
of not having to know the grammar yourself?  I'm relying less and less
on the computer's assistance as my vocabulary improves, but I often let
a computer program analyze a string of words into English phrases, and
then I use my knowledge of the grammar to read the meaning.

>P.S. I know there is no word for 'thank you' but is there any way at all
>of showing appreciation?  Apart from majQa'?

Oops!  Which version of TKD do you have, the 1985 or 1992 printing?
The later one has an addendum with a few more suffixes, a bunch of
exclamations, and a couple of grammatical rules; it also has several
pages of additional vocabulary.  In that addendum one finds the words
{tlho'} "appreciation, gratitude (n)" and {tlho'} "thank (v)".  So to
translate "thank you" one says {qatlho'}.

 -- ghunchu'wI'

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