tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 28 08:40:52 1995

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Kruge's quote

According to Matt Gomes:
> qaghItlhneS:
>   Of all that charghwI' said to "peHruS", I picked up a saying from Kruge...
>   How does this sound:
>   potlhbe'bej ngu'taHghach
>   What do you think?  (Have a better word for "identity?")
> -majIq

I've often thought that this would be one of the more difficult
of Kruge's English lines to translate into Klingon. This
attempt is better than most of the ones I've come up with
myself, though it seems like you are saying that globally, the
process of identifying is definitely unimportant. This loses
what I read Kruge's line to more fully expand to:

"It is not important that YOU identify ME." Note that this
would require two sentences tied together in a
sentence-as-subject construction, which Klingon does not allow.


chongu'choHchugh vaj ramqu' ta'vam. qama'pu' lo'laHqu' vIghaj
jIH'e'!  potlhqu' ghu'vam!

Ahhh. Thank you for providing the challenge to bring me to
finish that which I never completed before. I think this one
works better than anything I've seen or done yet, and your
choice of the verb ngu' made all the difference. I am somewhat
divided as to whether to refer to {qama'pu' lI'qu'} or
{qama'pu' lo'laHqu'}. Either would probably work, though I
kinda like {lI'qu'} a little better. They are valuable because
they are useful. Ah, but then, they are useful because they are
valuable. Oh well...


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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