tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 17 16:03:13 1995

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KLBC: About Klingon


I'm attempting to translate the ABOUT KLINGON section from the KLI's WWW server
into Klingon for my own WWW page....and this is the very much abridged version
I've come up with as a first draft:

vay' qubqu' 'oH tlhIngan Hol'e'. Holmey tu'lu' lu'oghta'bogh, 'ach novmeyvaD
Holvam 'oghta' Holtej qeqta'. //Star Trek// wanI' yIqel je. QIj tagh wanI'vam
qatlh Qat SuvwI' Hol.

tlhIngan Hol 'oghta' Marc Okrand. mu' puS neH 'oghta'be', 'ach Hol naQ

I hope this makes sense to you....but knowing my luck.....


-- toDbaj
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