tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 10 12:36:20 1995

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nagh'a' vItoSta'

"Conn's East" "Prune" je "Crispy Critter" je "mong
ghorlu'pu'bogh" je bIH Hemey pongmey'e'.

"Seneca" naghmey vItoSta'. cha'Hu' "Conn's East" vItoS. wa'Hu'
"Prune" vItoS. "Crispy Critter" vItoS je. "mong ghorlu'pu'bogh"
vInID 'ach vIta'laHbe'. Qatlhqu' "mong ghorlu'pu'bogh" 'ej
"Prune" "Crispy Critter" je vItoSta'mo' jIDoy'.

'IHqu' HuDvam 'ej motlhHa'qu'. Millions of years ago, sand
settled to the bottom of an inland sea (okay, maybe a huge
lake) and formed sandstone. Lots of layers covered it. Heat.
Pressure. Metamorphosis. It became a huge slab (in layers) of
extremely hard quartzite. Toss in techtonics and a huge plate
of it turned up on end and sticks 90 degrees to the horizon,
straight out of the ground along the ridge of a small mountain.
the main ridge is shaped like a huge camel's back. They call
the middle gap "the Gunsight". A third summet rises to the
south and is called "The Southern Column", though it is not
contiguous to the other two summets above ground.

vItIvqu'. "multi-pitch" wa'DIchwIj 'oH wanI'vam'e'. qaSpa'
wanI'vam "gym"Daq neH jItoS.


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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