tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 10 07:43:11 1995

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Re: -vaD on pronoun; etc

(written Thursday, March 30)

Excerpt from analysis of WestphalWz's words by A.Appleyard:
>---- vIHgho'naQ ----
>- V:move_itr* V:step_on V:be_[full|whole|entire]*
>- V:move_itr* V:step_on N:[cane|staff]*
>  == Erh?? A better compound would be: {vIHbotnaQ} = "move-prevent stick"?

Stop it!  Please!  Verb-noun compounds are bad enough, and compound verbs
are worse yet, but these monstrosities are both at the same time.  

Use verb suffixes and make sentences.  They work.  They can be understood.
If you want to use {vIH} and {bot} and {naQ}, put them together to make
{vIH 'e' botbogh naQ'e'} = "stick which prevents that it moves."  Okay?
If you want to express something that hasn't been said before, go for it.
That's part of the fun.  But use words that are in the dictionary, and put
them together using rules that are in the dictionary!  The challenge isn't
in figuring out how to say what you want, but in saying it so that others
understand it.

"Move-prevent-stick"?!  Give me a break.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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