tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 06 14:20:31 1995

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Klingon CD from Simon & Schuster

A few weeks back at the "Grand Slam" Creation Convention in Pasadena, 
California, our own David Barron had the opportunity to talk with the producers 
of the planned Klingon Interactive CD ROM.  After the con ended, David passed 
them on to me, and we've been discussing ways in which the KLI might assist this

Last weekend, while a guest at I-CON in Stony Brook, New York, I had the 
opportunity to meet and chat briefly with Dean Smith. Dean and his wife are 
writing the script for the CD (and if fact have probably finished it by this 
time).  Dean was able to assuage some of my fears by telling me that the 
producers had signed Marc Okrand onto the project.  I gave Dean a business card 
and told him the KLI would be happy to help with this project, or any future 
Star Trek novels which he and his wife might be writing (should they involve any
Klingon).  We parted on friendly terms.

Well, I just got off the phone with Marc Okrand.  He confirms that he is now on 
the project (whereas he was completely unaware of the project's existence the 
last time we spoke). He is not yet clear what his role will be, but one can 
guess that the producers (who are self-proclaimed Star Trek fans) want to ensure
"proper" Klingon.

In any case, that's how things stand at the present.  Plenty of time for details
to be worked out yet.  The KLI continues to make offers of assistance, and I 
think before the dust settles we will have some involvement in the project.  
Keep your fingers crossed.

On another note:

Somehow while Marc and I were chatting, and I honestly don't recall the context,
I mentioned that people had been clamoring for the Klingon word for "coffee."  
He seemed surprised, and gave it to me on the spot.  No big feat, since the word
is an almost universal cognate for terrestrial languages (and he was working on 
the assumption that the Klingon word refers to the terrestrial beverage, and 
*not* what might pass for the morning drink on Qo'noS).  The word is:


And of course, ever delighting in ambiguity, one can see that this word,.in 
addition to being the Klingon word for coffee, might also be a cognate for 
"caffeine" as well (not too surprising since "caffeine" and "coffee" are 
virtually synonymous to many people already).

So, there's your bonus gift folks.  I was tempted to sit on it till the June 
issue of HolQeD and run in that issue's "chuvmey" section, but I just couldn't. 

qa'vIn tlhutlhwI' jIHbe',


:: Dr Lawrence M Schoen, Director   :: The KLI is a nonprofit ::
:: The Klingon Language Institute   :: tax exempt corporation ::
:: POB 634, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA :: DaH HuchlIj'e' ghonob  ::
::  [email protected]  ::  [email protected]  :::  215/836-4955  ::

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