tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 31 22:20:37 1995

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Camp Dover Peace Conference

 uu> From: "Lawrence M. Schoen"  <ur-valhalla!!lawrence>
 uu> Subject: Camp Dover Peace Conference

 uu> I was just wondering if any of the recipients of this list are
 uu> planning on  attending the Camp Dover Peace Conference at the end of

HISlaH.  I'll be there.

 uu> April.  Ironically, it  is in New Philadelphia, OH, which sadly is a
 uu> bit of a ways away for me, and I do not think it likely that I will be
 uu> able to attend.

I thought of this last year, when I saw the name of the town.  <g>

 uu> So, if you are planning to attend, let me know.  I will load you down
 uu> with KLI  flyers and put a geas upon you to recruit new members.

If no one else of greater seniority steps forward, I'll be happy to spread the
word.  I wear my KLI membership card on my sash in any case, and I always have
KLI flyers (printed at my own expense for the greater glory of the KLI) on our
table when we do a con here in Rochester.

(I do know that other KLI members will be there.  I don't know if any of them
frequent the list.)


|      Sogh Qob vestai-qutvaj     | Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet |
| Second & Communications Officer |       Klingon Assault Group        |
|      I.K.V. Crystal Dagger      |                                    |
|          Rochester NY           |     "qoH vuvQo' SuS" - qeylIS      |
|                                                                      |
|           Fidonet: Bill Willmerdinger @ 1:2613/477.1701              |
|    Internet: [email protected]      |

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