tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 26 03:12:41 1994

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Re: KLBC (old)

Matt Whiteacrevo':

>rInbejlI' DuSaQ DIS 'e' vISov
>'ach jabbI'IDHom puS wImechlaH

ghobe', jIHeghlI'be', 'ach jIHegh vIneHlaw'.
"email"lIj yIlIjQo'!
DaH latlh 'o'Daq jISaHlaw'. {{:(

'ej jIHvaD qaSqa'ta' DuSaQ DIS.
"summer"DuSaQDaq jISaHlI'.  {{:/

--HoD trI'Qal

The conversation in this should give you a BIG clue how *old* this puppy is... 

Your first sentence threw me for a while.  (Why have I been thrown so mych 
lately?  I must be outta practice!  That's it... I need to work at my Hol 
more!!!!!! {{:( ).  I wasn't sure what *tense* it was in.  I would have thrown 
a -lI' on there or a -pu' or something to show if you meant "Are all of you 
dying?" or "Are all of you dead?"  Since you are pretty good at what you are 
doing here, I assumed you meant -lI', more or less, and went from there.

The middle two lines were great.  The last one... uh... I am not sure that 
works for "can we?", which is what I *think* you were trying to say.  
Idiomatic.  You have to use the verb again in Hol, even though you don't in 
the English:

	"Can we trade them?"

At least, that us what I *think* you were trying to say...


No, I am not dying, but I seem to want to be.
Never fall behind in your email!  (this isn't exactly what it translates to, 
but is what was intended)
Now I seem to be behind the others.

And The schoolyear has resumed for me.
I am in summer school. :/

--HoD trI'Qal

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