tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 26 01:43:15 1994

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Re: Klingon on TV -- original poems?

Nick Nicholas writes:
>Just out of interest, which sonnet are 
>you doing? If you've yet to pick one, Sonnet 18 is the only famous one there.

Yes, that's the one I've chosen, for that reason.  My throat is still sore
from practising, but I shall endure the pain. :-)

>I tend to stress adjectival verbs rather than nouns in N-V combinations, so
>the scansion might be a bit odd...

I'll just stick to the standard ti-tum-ti-tum metre, regardless of meaning.
 (That's what I do with English poetry anyway.)  BTW, two lines seem to
have 15 syllables:

'ach not wovHa'choH jubbogh bovlIj tuj,
'ej SoHvaD not loj Hochvetlh 'IH Daghajbogh,  <--
'ej "QIbwIjDaq bIleng" not mIy Hegh nuj,
bovmey DaDontaHvIS, DojwI' nIHajbogh!         <--

I'm dealing with that by leaving the final syllable unstressed, almost silent.

-- Richard Kennaway, [email protected], Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich

"HoghlI' DatIvpu'"                     ["How was your week?"]
"ghItlh may'mo' jIqeqta'"              ["I prepared for a conference."]
"*DentISngan* HIq qIj vItlhutlhtaHpu'" ["(and) drank coffee all the time."]

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