tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 23 10:00:27 1994

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qep'a' status report

Here's the latest scorecard so you can tell who the players are:

Steve Burnett will not be joining us for the meeting as he had
 originally hoped.

Jeremy Cowan will be attending after all, though it's likely
 he'll be sneaking off a day early.

David Berreby has confirmed but may need to sneak off a day early
 to cover the opening of the Klingon Festival in Minnesota.

David Sturm is still undecided, but leaning toward nonattendence.

David Barron's situation is similar to David Sturm's (what is it
 with these David people, anyway?), may be there, but probably

Capt. Krankor has confirmed.

Capt. trI'Qal has confirmed.

Sarah Ekstrom has confirmed, but may disappear for a day in the
  middle of the meeting.  Go figure.

Mark Shoulson has kinda sorta confirmed.

Will Martin and d'Armand Speers have confirmed as a tag-team,
  and the rest of us had better just watch our step.

Kevin Wilson wants to come, but it's unclear whether work
 schedules and other mundane issues will permit it.

And of course, I'll be there.  :)

Which gives us a definite nine attendees, a reasonable probability of twelve.
 And there's still plenty of time for surprises.

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