tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 22 18:38:15 1994

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Re: KLI in the UK

John Kirk writes:
>I don't like to appear picky here, but I've never heard of NPC!  We only 
>have four basic channels, or do you mean a satellite thing?

NPC is just the production company, it's being filmed at LWT's studios, so
I would guess LWT is broadcasting it on the ITV channel -- which means that
it might be going to the whole country, or might just be available in the
London area.  I've only had a preliminary conversation with the producer so
far, I'll let people know as and when I have more details.

rut batlh He vItu'; rut mutu' batlh He.

Or perhaps that should be:

rut DenIb Qatlh DaSop; rut DuSop DenIb Qatlh.

Dictionary inconsistency alert: is the word for "Deneb" "DenIb" (as in the
K-E section) or "DenIbya'" (as in the E-K section)?  And can "Qatlh" on its
own mean "slime devil", or only "difficult"?

For Americans and other foreigners baffled by the alphabet soup: I don't
know what NPC stands for.  LWT is one of several (a dozen? twenty?)
regional companies which broadcast on ITV, which is one of the four
national broadcast channels.  Each of the companies broadcasts a mixture of
its own programmes, shown only in its own region, and programmes shown on
the whole network simultaneously.  To add to the confusion, LWT stands for
London Weekend Television, but broadcasts all through the week.

--                     ____
Richard Kennaway     __\_ /    School of Information Systems
[email protected]    \  X/     University of East Anglia
                      \/       Norwich NR4 7TJ, U.K.

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