tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 16 22:21:31 1994

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I am writing a series of articles on Klingon in our local fanzine, and
here is one clip:

The lousy state of interracial relationships between our two civilisations
can mainly be attributed to the different modes of thinking and various
word confusions.
In one situation the terrible Klingons came to consider the meek Terrans
quite barbaric in customs, observing this:
During the Christmas party on a Federation cruiser they noticed one
Federation officer in an uncomfortably warm red uniform, talking to a child
sitting in his lap: "Gooo... Gooo... Jiha(*)! Ho, Ho, Ho!"
(*: 'Jiha' is an exclamation in Croatian used by horsemen to get the horse
going. It is often used in games involving simulation of riding.)
Of course, the Klingon officers wondered what could have the one year old
done to deserve to be killed in mirth! <ghu, ghu jIHoH, / HoH, HoH, HoH!>

Another was when a young Federation officer asked one uncommonly stiff
Klingon diplomat: "bIHaghlaH'a'? nuq 'oH mu''e'... Damn...
bIyIntaHvIS bI... joy.. 'a'?" (Do you ever laugh? Oh, what's the word...
Damn... Do you have any... joy... in your life?)
The distinguished Klingon grinned for the first time in youth's presence
(who immediately wished better control of his tongue and a nice cottage on
a peaceful planet somewhere far from any warrior-like aliens) and retorted:
"HIja'! qama'pu'wI' jIjoy'bej!" (Yes, of course I torture my prisoners.)

So, what do you think of the stories? I believe the second one is much more
clear to you because it is based on English...

	Qapla' qoranvo'

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