tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 15 05:45:50 1994

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Why Make A Klingon Bible?

I'm on a Christian mailing list, and the people there are currently
discussing the Klingon Bible Translation Project.  Some take the view
that, hey, everybody needs a hobby.  Others say that this is disrespectful
and a waste of time: there are lots of REAL languages that don't have a
Bible translation yet.

Still more are saying that Klingon culture (as portrayed on Star Trek) is
not very forgiving or loving, and that it's a mockery to translate the
Bible into a language centered around war and killing and so on.

Others have said that some famous writings have been rendered in Klingon,
noting the references to Shakespeare in STVI:TUC.  The Bible is just a
logical thing to translate.

WELL, I figured I would ask if anybody here who has done work on this, and
who has rendered parts of the Bible into Klingon, would like to send me a
few words I can forward to the Christian mailing list.  The primary
concern seems to be that you are mocking something they consider important.
Can you reassure them that this is not the case, or maybe say why you feel
it is worth doing?  Does anyone have evangelistic goals in mind ("I became
as a Trekkie to win the Trekkies")?  Are there any passages which work
better in Klingon than in English?  Are there any ways in which the
translation is easier to Klingon?

Sadly, my fellow Christians are noted for getting a bit carried away with
seeing modern culture as "out to get them", and they are also prone to
running a bit wild with speculations about how there's an anti-Christian
agenda in everything.  Here is a chance to stop a potentially damaging
set of rumors and accusations before it gets started.

Mare See Bow Cups,

Darren F Provine / [email protected]

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