tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 15 04:24:41 1994

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my mail

-=> Quoting [email protected] to Li <=-
Tl> From: [email protected] (Nick NICHOLAS) 
Tl> Subject: your mail 
Tl> Message-ID: <[email protected]> 
Tl> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 11:11:23 +1000 (EST)
Tl> toH, teH, 'a qaStaHvIS poH nI'qu', wav'egh nabHol (planned language) 
Tl> jatlhwI'pu' ghom, 'ej pIj wav'eghDI', tugh Hegh Holvetlh. SaH je 
Tl> Holvetlh jatlhwI'pu', 'ach SaHqu'mo' chaH, qaS lot.

toH, teH, qaStaHvISchugh poH nI'qu', wIlo'qu'
ghom wav'eghnISbe'
Holvetlh HeghnISbe' 

qaS lot vIchaw'be'
qaS lot wIchaw'be'qu'
Tl> tlhIngan jatlhwI' Hoch latlhvo' wav'eghmo' Proechel neH, Heghbe' 
Tl> Holmaj.  'ach Do'Ha': pIj nabHolmeyDaq, 'ItmoHbogh ghu'vam leghlu'.

nuQ loDvetlh neH potlhbebe'
ghom potlhbe ej vIsaH

tlhIngan Hol vIghojtaH ej vIghoHbe'qu'
Tl> wav'eghpu' Loglan, 'e' muqawmoH wanI'vam.
vIyajbe'        (seriously, I only spend 5-ish minutes daily 
                on this... am a BEGINNER!!!)
Tl> pIj maghoHpu' jIH, tlhIngan tej latlh je. pIj jIqu'qu' je, 
Tl> jIghoHtaHvIS. 'a not HolmajvaD Seghvam QIH vIqaSmoH jIghoHDI', 'e' 
Tl> vItulbej.

I must have short-circuited my frontal lobe, all
of a sudden I am lost... 

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