tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 14 22:38:57 1994

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KBTP in the Wall Street Journal [trans question ??]

>From: [email protected]
>Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 21:10:49 -0700

>) P.S. While the spelling in the article of Klingon words is excellent, one
>) phrase from Glen's translation has a grammatical error:  vagh 'Iwchap cha'
>) ghargh wIghaj.  There's a missing "je" there, and it should obviously be
>) "DIghaj".

>I wish it was obvious to _me_.  I can't parse that at all..
>{DI/wIghaj} - we have them/it (If {ghargh} - serpent was the
>object, {wI} would be correct.  And if we're dealing with {cha'}
>two serpents, aren't we missing a {-mey}?)  {'Iwchap} is news to me.
>Or maybe the serpent's displaying five {'Iwchap}s?

>Maybe I should just ask: "What exactly do you think he _meant_ to write?"
>Would the missing {je} go between {ghargh} and {DIghaj}?

Pardon my typo; it should have been "'Iwchab" with a b.  The "je" goes
between "ghargh" and "DIghaj": "vagh 'Iwchab cha' ghargh je" = "five blood
pies and two fish"... that's a plural object.  So "DIghaj" is indicated.



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