tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 07 03:42:33 1994

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Regarding Westercon:  I am planning a tlhIngan diplomatic reception there
during the Con (read "bar brawl"), and a possible trip out to a sushi bar
to see how many would-be tlhIngan-pu' I can get to eat dancing shrimp <g>.
I am new to the list, known as qu'qul tai-BokTuras in the other tlhIngan
group I'm in, but new to the language as well.  I just joined the KLI, and
Dr. Schoen used to game with my wife in high school -- just goes to prove
that there are only 63 people in the world, and the rest are non-player
Since the reception isn't going to be an official con programming item, I
don't plan to check for badges at the door, but it's going to be on Sunday
evening -- check around the con for flyers, or e-mail as I have more data.
I'll be checking e-mail from the con.
Anyway, as soon as I've composed something suitable in thlIngan-Hol, I'll
be posting for your dissection.
Personally, I'm 40 years old, a swordsman (live steel and SCA), marksman
(handgun and rifle), and knife collector.  I value the chance tlhIngan-Hol
offers to express my essential contempt for the majority of humanity without
them knowing I'm doing it.  Are any of the members of the list also members
of other Klingon groups?
Jim Fox-Davis/qu'qul

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