tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 07 02:45:53 1994

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Re: Summer Events

According to [email protected]:
> 1) whether you want a single or double occupancy room (and if the latter, do
> you have a roomie in mind, or want to be assigned one)?

I'm game for either single or double occupancy. For cost and
good company, I'd prefer double, but if the numbers work out
odd instead of even or if getting one more room makes the
difference between having a conference room or not, I can deal
with the extra cost of single occupancy. I don't have a roomate
in mind, though I'll try to contact d'Armond, since we are both
of some Cherokee ancestry and share that interest as well.

> 2) your preferred soft beverage (e.g., Pepsi, Diet Coke, Yoo-hoo), and list
> an alternative or two.

I like 7-up or ginger ale. At Stellarcon 16, they had ginger
ale with blue food coloring and a great label neatly done as:
"ROMULAN ALE - lite".  The only bad part was how it made
everybody's teeth blue...

Anyay, Sprite will do, but I'd prefer 7-up or ginger ale. Then
again, there's O'Doole's, which goes GREAT with pizza.

Hey, talk about commercial appeal. Can you imagine a TV ad with
a bunch of happy Klingons holding bottles of O'Doole's next to
their faces, then swigging it, snarfing pizza and bashing

> 3) what you really like to have on your pizza (e.g., anchovies, mushrooms,
> italian sausage)

Black olives, mushrooms, most vegetables and many fruits (ever
had a pineapple pizza?). I can deal with anchovies as well,
though... There's a local pizza place here called Rococo's that
makes GREAT pizza, but probably is a little more nouvelle
cuisine than what you have in mind. There, you can get pesto
pizza with obscure white cheeses, or you can get squid (great
for Klingons) sun dried tomatoes, etc. Meanwhile, I suspect we
are talking something closer to Pizza Hut here, which is fine
for me. Black Olives, Mushrooms. Maybe spinach or green peppers
or broccoli...

> 4) what you can't stand (for either philosophical or moral grounds) on your
> pizza.

I really would prefer not to have hamburger, sausage, pepperoni
or other meats according to a criterion once expressed by a
friend: "I don't like to eat things that screamed before they
died." Hmmm.
Heghpa' jachchugh Ha'DIbaH vaj vISopQo'

I am in no way disturbed by being around OTHER people eating
these things. Quasi-vegetarianism is MY trip, and I'm not
evangelical about it. I'll eat meat if my dietary preferences
otherwise threaten to cause stress to others, since one
graceful enough to offer me food does not deserve to be
"rewarded" by militant preaching. Meanwhile, whenever it is
convenient, I lean towards less meat.

> If we can pull this off, it will be my very great pleasure to spring for a
> pizza party for the lot of you.  And if I can get my hands on some hersey's
> syrup and gummi worms, we'll have qagh.
> Lawrence

I'd settle for eating spagetti with my hands...


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