tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 05 05:10:55 1994

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Re: Marc Okrands e-mail address

David Barronvo':

>Here is something that may or may not be accurate.
>And perhaps I shouldn't even risk mentioning it.
>Via a friend I was told that Marc Okrand email address  is 
><[email protected]>

Nope, you shouldn't have.

Having admined on various Internet-based games for over two years, and having 
a peculiar ethics code, I personally find releasing someone's email address in 
a public forum *extremely* distateful.

Especially if that were a forum that was trying to get my attention anyway, 
and which I didn't necessarily *want* to have my attention.  (I am not trying 
to speculate on what Marc Okrand may or may not feel towards us, just what is 

Come on, think a little!

What would have happened if that had *really* been his email address???

He would have been swampled with email from people off this list... and he 
would have no clue why.

He might not even have the time, or inclination! to respond to even *one* of 

He could very well have it changed as soon as he realized what was going on, 
too... and what would his opinion be of us then?

As a general rule, it is considered standard practice that if you have access 
to someone's email address, (or anything else about a person that might 
identify them, or where they live, etc.) that you do NOT reveal it without 
their permission.

This includes mentioning where he lives, as you did also in your original post.

Of course, I am by no means any sort of authority on what is or is not public 
domain over the Internet... but common courtesy seems to back my words.  If I 
seem a bit harsh about this, well... it was a lesson I personally was raked 
over coals to learn:  you do NOT reveal *anything* about someone over the 
Internet without their consent!

--HoD trI'Qal
  tlhwD lIy So'

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