tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 03 23:35:22 2014

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Objects with -moH

De'vID ([email protected])

>> Possibly the first {-bogh} verb is {jaq}, but I think it's {yoH}. The
>> second {-bogh} verb might be {HoH}, depending on how the actor thinks
>> {j} and {y} are pronounced in Klingon.

> I suspect the original line may have been "the brave and the bold", and it became «yoHbogh 'ej jaqbogh ghotpu'».

bIlughlaw'. You're probably right that those are the two verbs - the
question is which is which. The actor pronounced them like "yak" and
"gok". The vowel on the first sounds more like "a" and the vowel on
the second sounds more like "o" to me, but they're close. The
consonant on the second does sound very much like a "g", though, or
maybe "gy" if you stretch your imagination a bit.

I can be persuaded that he's singing {jaqbogh 'ej yoHbogh}, and that
the Taganikan dialect pronounces {j} halfway between {j} and {y} and
pronounces {y} halfway between {gh} and {y}. :-) Or maybe he's singing
{yoHbogh 'ej jaqbogh}, and Taganikan dialect not only has different
consonants but different vowels!


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