tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 01 07:28:11 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] qul tuq.

De'vID ([email protected])

&gt; I&#39;ll post what I think it sounds like below, but perhaps you want to listen to it for yourselves before I contaminate your minds with my thoughts:<br>
&gt; <a href="";>http://</a><a href="";></a><a href="";>/</a><a href="";>ljmey6wsmJQ</a><a href="";>?t=1m</a><br>

&gt; It&#39;s hard to make out, but I think this is what Marc Okrand might have actually written:<br>
&gt; &#39;o meQ qul!<br>
&gt; &#39;o meQ chal!<br>
&gt; reH SuvtaH jaqbogh &#39;ej yoHbogh(?) ghotpu&#39;.</p>
<p>I heard almost the same thing, except {yoHbogh &#39;ej tlhab?bogh}, i.e., &quot;the brave and the free&quot;.  Very American, these Taganikans.</p>
<p>(Or maybe it&#39;s {reSuvtaH...} &quot;we&#39;ll always fight you (plural), you brave and free people&quot;...)</p>
<p>Also, if I didn&#39;t know Klingon I&#39;d have sworn the last two words were &quot;goat poo&quot;.  :-)</p>
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