tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 19 06:30:55 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: majyang

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>> Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, November 17, 2012
>> Klingon word:   majyang
>> Part of speech: noun
>> Definition:     tile
>> Source: email to Lieven, 9 january 2012

> I get the joke too, but can it be used in constructions like {tlhoy'
> SaS majyong}(1), "ceiling tile"?

> That should be fine. There's always a chance that Klingon ceiling
> tilers have a special word for it, but seeing as <majyang> appears to
> be primarily an architectural term, it sounds like an accurate
> description of a ceiling tile. (Or, if you specifically want *ceiling*
> tile, also consider <[pa'] 'aqroS majyang>.)
> I believe this word is from qepHom'a' HutDIch; qepHom'a' wa'maH wa'DIch
> is happening right now, I believe.

Here's some of the relevant info on the construction trades that Lieven shared with the collective:

  Words for bricklayer, roof maker, plumber, and so on are
  all based on the verb {mutlh}, meaning "construct, assemble,
  put together". Someone who does this, then, is a {mutlhwI'}.
  [...] The idea is that a {mutlhwI'} puts things together.
  So a {ngogh mutlhwI'} is not (necessarily) someone who makes
  bricks, but someone who takes bricks that are already made
  and assembles them into something (such as a building)...
  so this is brick assembler or the like. Similarly, a {beb
  mutlhwI'} doesn't make the roof, but, rather, lays out the
  shingles or planks or stones or whatever the roof is made 
  out of. [...] Someone who repairs any of these things (who
  may or may not be the same person who installed/assembled
  them) is a {tI'wI'} ({tI'} "repair"). Most {mutlhwI'pu'} are
  also {tI'wI'pu'} - but you'd be advised to check with them
  first.   [Marc Okrand > Lieven, 1/09/2012]

Lieven gave us the following professions:

ngogh mutlhwI' 	bricklayer
beb mutlhwI' 		roofer
majyang mutlhwI' 	tiler
'och mutlhwI' 		plumber
'ul pat mutlhwI' 	electrician

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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