tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 07 07:56:15 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh Hut: yel qa'meH vItlhegh

Qov ([email protected])

Qa'bar had just removed the phaser Mossam and 'eSSIm were wrestling over while Mahoun was drunkenly shouting not to shoot.

209: yel qa'meH vIttlhegh

vaytaH Mossam. qabDaj mup 'eSSIm, ghIq 'eSSIm yoymoH Mossam. 'eSSIm HughDaq 'uy Mossam qIv 'ej taj lellI' Mossam ghop. yel Hol jachchoH Mahoun.

jatlh Qa'bar, "Dachaghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh." Mossam nachDaq nISwI'Daj QeqtaH Qa'bar 'e' tlhoj 'eSSIm. tlhoj je Mossam. QIt ravDaq taj lan. 'eSSImvo' Mossam luH Qa'bar. pe'vIl ravDaq 'uy, 'ej Mossam yu'choH.

jatlh Mossam, "ghobey! Farsajii HungpIn jIH. ghobey! vInol 'ey ghach 'awa'." ghIq yel Hol jatlhchoH.

jatlh Mahoun, "SlIngan Hol jaSbe'. DoSchmeyvetlh neH jaSla' 'ej 'op qaw'a'." ruq Mahoun 'ej HaghchoH. nom yel Hol jatlhchoH Mossam. jatlh Mahoun, "SImughme' Sloy SISech. cheS. che'ech." jatlhmeH tlhoy chech Mahoun.

qama' yeb mIrmey qeng Mossam. ghaHDaq ngaQmoHta' Qa'bar 'ej ngaQHa'moHwI' nge'. DaH ravDaq QottaHmo' cha' yelwIyyItnganpu' chon QaQ rur.[257] jatlhtaH Mossam, qoy'law'. mughwI' jan laghHa'choH 'eSSIm 'a rInpa' Qu', Mossam mu'mey ghovchoH. tlhIjlI' HungpIn. QIt tlhIj 'ej tlhIjqa'. 'eSSIm pong jatlh je. Qa'barvaD jatlh 'eSSIm, "yel qa'meH vIttlhegh jatlhtaH." jan laghHa'DI' chu' 'ej mu'mey moj Mossam yel Dap.

'eSSImvaD Qa'barvaD je tlhIjqu'DI' Mossam jatlh, "tlhIngan Hol vIyajbe'chu'. 'eSSIm, cha'Hu' qayajmeH, teSwIjDaq QumwI' mach vI'IjtaH, DaqtaHvIS 'ej mughtaHvIS Mahoun. DaHjaj Mahoun Dotlh Daja'Ha'DI' chotoj 'e' vIpIH. Mahoun vISaHqu'. jIHvaD vavwI' loDnI'wI' ghap rur. vIQannIS. wa'Hu' DuSuchmeH mungep. bIQobqu' ..."

jatlh Qa'bar, "QobwI' vIngu'nISDI' DujwIjDaq pu' tIH bachwI' vIwIv. 'eSSIm, QIH vInuDtaHvIS QobwI'vam yISeH." MossamvaD ghu' QIj 'eSSIm. ghaqtaHvIS mughwI', Mahoun mu'mey chech, Mossam mu'mey DIv je, yajchuqchoH. Mahoun DeS De' pegh luQIjbe'. DISDaq Hom ghor Mahoun 'ej pa' pe''egh 'e' Har Mossam. 'oy' botmeH HIq nobta'mo' tlhInganpu' pIHba' Mossam 'ach morghbe'.

jatlh Qa'bar, "naQ Som 'ach SeHmeH bobcho' QIHqu'law'pu' pu' tIH. 'op patmey naw'laHbe'."

jatlh Mahoun, "vIjIl. vchIl. ... 'uch qanop. Huch."

jatlh Qa'bar, "yaSvam yIbIj." qama' mIrmey ngaQHa'moH Qa'bar 'ej MahounvaD nob. jatlh, "Mossam, Mahoun lomqoq DaHIjmeH DujlIj yIrI'. 'IjtaH jaghra'. choyaj'a'?"
SKI: Mossam is subdued and the reason for her behaviour explained.
[257] It's apropos of nothing, probably confusing you, but Essim sees two alien forms laid out on the floor and even though one of them is her husband, the first thing that comes to mind is "successful hunt". I just like you to see inside her mindset.

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