tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 01 18:10:49 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh loS: De' SuqmeH, qama' pe' je joy'wI'

Qov ([email protected])

Mahoun has just asked High Councillor Qa'bar if he did indeed cut Mahoun's arm to retrieve the secret information.

204: De' SuqmeH, qama' pe' je joy'wI'

jatlh Qa'bar, "ghobe'. rIQtaH DeSDu'lIj DIr bIpawDI'. chaq bIghHa'Daq qaS. qaHevDI' qabIjmeH DaSmeywIj ro'Du'wIj je vIlo'. tlhoS qaHoHpu'[228] 'ach muyonmoHbe' ghorlI'bogh HomDu'[230], beymeylIj je. qaqIchtaHvIS choyajlaHbe'. nom tlhIngan Hol Daghojchu'meH QI' cham vIlo', 'ach not De' vISuqmeH qajoy'ta'."

jotHa'qu'choH Mahoun. Qa'bar bejvIplaw'. DeS So' 'e' nID 'ej nom tlhuHtaH. jatlh, "yIja', 'eSSIm."

tamqu' 'eSSIm ghogh jatlhtaHvIS, "joHwI', pe' joy'wI' 'e' qelbe' Mahoun. qama' ghaHtaHvIS, porghDaj qoDDaq De' 'aplo' lanta' Qel." tlhoS tlhup 'eSSIm.

jatlh Qa'bar, "Mahoun, qatlh not choja'pu'?"

jatlh 'eSSIm, "Sovbe'pu', joHwI'. wa'Hu' ghu' QIj Qugh Qel, 'ach pe' tlhIngan Qel 'e' chaw'Qo' Mahoun."

vaHvo' Daqtagh lel Qa'bar. jachchoH Mahoun. quSvo' pumbe'meH bong ghaH poS DeS lo'DI' jachqu'. raSDaq taj roQ Qa'bar. jachbe'choHDI' Mahoun jatlh Qa'bar, "DalelmeH SoH taj qanoblI', Mahoun."

jatlh Mahoun, "qape''eghlaHbe'! mubot Hoch DujmeywIj."

jatlh Qa'bar, "Dupe' 'eSSIm 'e' Dachaw''a'?"

nom tlhuHtaH Mahoun. jatlh, " 'oy' qIlbogh Hergh Daghaj'a'?"

rurbogh Hergh neHmo' nuch neH, DevwI' tIchpu' Mahoun 'e' Haj 'eSSIm, 'ach mon Qa'bar. Hu' 'ej HIvje' tInDaq HIq qang, HIvje' bID teb HIq, ghIq HIvje' naQ tebmeH bIQ lo'. Mahoun nob. jatlh, "yItlhutlh." tlhutlhtaHvIS tuS 'ach tlhutlhchu'. Daqtagh HeH nuD Qa'bar ghIq 'etlhDaq HIq lIch. meQmoH. qul bej Mahoun. jatlh Qa'bar, "vIwojmoHmeH."[239] Mahoun DIrDaq, 'eSSIm ghopDu'Daq je HIq lIch. 'eSSImvaD taj ret'aq nob.

"DaSIQrup'a'?" jatlh 'eSSIm.

quSDaq ba'taH Mahoun 'ej raSDaq DeS lanta'. Daq cha'ta'bogh Qel qawchu' 'eSSIm. taj Qeq. SIbI' raSvo' DeS luH Mahoun. jatlh, "vISeHlaHbe'. taj vIleghDI' vIH'eghmoH."

latlh HIq nob Qa'bar. vangmeH HIq loS, ghIq raSDaq DeS lanqa' Mahoun. rIQmo' yeb, polmeH 'uybe 'eSSIm. volchaH 'uchchoH 'ach DIr Hotpa' taj, DeS vIHqa'moH Mahoun. nom vang. Mahoun 'emDaq QamchoH 'eSSIm 'ach DaHjaj Mahoun SeHmeH yapbe' wa' DeS. DeSDaj SIjtaHvIS 'eSSIm vIHchugh Mahoun QIDqu'laHmo' pe'choHbe'. "jItlhIj," jatlh Mahoun. "peloS. chaq 'ut latlh HIvje'."
SKI: Mahoun wants to cooperate with the data retrieval process, but his self-preservation instincts interfere.
[228] I'm reading this thinking, "Dude, you SO didn't follow the care and handling instructions for a Yelwitian." [229] I accidentally read too many posts on {-moH} and the prefix trick this week, and now I can't write anymore. Feel free to tell me why this is wrong. [230] And I'm right back to where I started this story, longing for a Klingon word describing the sound of a bone breaking.

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