tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 30 22:11:59 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] Fictional Origins, Real Language

Qov ([email protected])

From Lulu, an online vanity press, in response to my question regarding what language of publication I should select when mine is not listed. They had an extensive but not exhaustive list of languages, and choosing one is a non-optional part of submitting a manuscript.
Dear Robyn,

Thank you for contacting Lulu Support. I'd like to sincerely apologize for the delayed response; we have experienced a higher than usual volume of email support requests which has resulted in a backlog. We apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

At this time, it is my understanding that only existing, non-fictional languages are included in the language selection. I understand that having an "Other" category would be helpful here, for special cases like yours.

If you have a moment I would encourage you to post your idea (for an 'Other' language category, or your specific desired language) to our Suggest page via the following link:

Members of the Lulu community will be able to view, vote up, and comment on your proposed solution. Our product development team also keeps an eye on this site and we have implemented many of the great suggestions our users have offered.

Through ideas like yours we at Lulu are able to create a more successful platform for you to publish and sell more books.

If you have more questions, please let me know by replying to this email. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
I expected to be just ignored, so this is better than I thought. Shall I attempt to explain the difference between fictional and artificial, or just pick Xhosa or Tagalog and move to the next step?

- Qov

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