tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 08 21:31:26 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh cha'maH jav: tojbogh to'

Robyn Stewart ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

Are you saying you use a character other than the apostrophe, or you select a font that has a straight apostrophe?

At 21:31 '?????' 7/8/2012, you wrote:
Speaking of fonty type things, another restriction I use is to make sure that the apostrophe is vertical and straight and not slanted or curved. I use slanted and/or curved single quotes only in pairs to surround certain things.Â

lay'tel SIvten

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Qov <<mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]> wrote: I've switched over to these kinds of quotation marks: «majQa'» Do they cause anyone any problems?  They should look like a little nested version of << >>. I haven't quite worked out the punctuation rules for them yet. The French leave whitespace between the guillemets (I called them guillemots before, but I looked it up and that's a sort of auk) and the punctuation, but most other languages that use guillemets don't. Some of them use them backwards, pointing towards rather than enclosing the quoted text! In my experience Russian doesn't usually use quotation marks at all, just massive dashes. What do they do in your language and do you think it's compatible with Klingon? Anything is better than the English style. This Wikipedia article has an interesting list: <<>> (Curiously I'm in good company getting the punctuation mixed up with the bird: I think it's because <mot> means word, so there's an association there).

While I'm at it, what's your favourite font for Klingon? Â Times New Roman? Â Garamond? Courier New?

And it's time someone programmed a simple Klingon spelling/grammar checker for Open Office. It shouldn't be too hard to do.
vajar and crew are being guided through an interdeck access tunnel by Qoreq, in order to ambush some qImyal-loyal troops.

CONTENT: Corpses, but no gore.

tojbogh to'

yev Qoreq. jatlh, «jonwI' jolpa' bIngDaq maHtaH. manarghDI' neghvetlh 'emDaq Sajol.»

«majQa'», jatlh vajar. neghvetlh lujeyta'DI' jonwI' choQ lujonmeH lotlhwI'pu' He rap lughoSlaH.[268] lo'laH lojmIt ngaQHa'moH Qoreq 'ej pa' bejmeH loQ poSmoH. HurDaq be' ghogh Qoy vajar. poSchoHchu' lojmIt 'ej Qoreq 'uchchoH vay' 'ej 'ochvo' luHchoH.

«Qoreq! chay'?» jatlh be'. 'och wovmoH Sech tIH 'ej lIS'eghpu'DI' vajar mInDu', qaH'eng legh. ochvo' yongHa' ghom.

Quchbe'law' Qoreq. jatlh, «qatlh jolpa'Daq SoHtaH?»

jatlh qaH'eng, «chay' naDev SuSaH tlhIH? bangwI'!» Hota'ro' 'uchchoH qaH'eng.

«SIbI' maQolnIS», jatlh vajar. may' to'chaj QIj. Hung jIH lIS qaH'eng. veQ lI' ngaSbogh choQ cha' HaSta, 'ach pa' SuvtaHbe' tlhachmey. rInlaw' may'. lommeyvo' beHmey, nIch[266] je boSlI' vajar lopno' jaHbe'pu'bogh tlhIngan negh law''e'. va. tlhoy paS rep. ghIq Hung HaStaDaq QaS ra'wI' legh vajar. Doqqu' wa' mIn 'ej Sachpu' Dechbogh DIr. veDDIr tuQtaH. vajar lopno'Daq 'avwI' lujonta'bogh ghaH. mangghom ghIrta'. ja'chuq ghaH ya 'ay' Sogh je. QamtaH je lopno' mebpu', joqwI' qembogh loD je. may'vetlhvaD Qapta' quv.

jatlh qaH'eng «SaghochlI' 'ej meH boghoSlaw'lI'. bangwI', bIvIHbe'choHlaw'DI' pa' vIHotlh. pa'vetlhDaq lommey neH lutu'lu'.» tojbogh to' Del Hota'ro'. Qapta'mo' to' bel vajar. tojlI' je qaH'eng. qImyal QaS matlh botmeH lojmItmey ngaQmoHtaH. ghu' yajbe'meH meH, QumwI' pat muntaH. Hung pat luSorghlaw'ta'mo' je lotlhwI'pu', Dat leghlaHbe' qaH'eng 'ach Qaplaw'lI' lotlhwI'pu'. patmey Sorghta' lotlhwI' neH 'e' Har ngaH. patmeyDaj QIH 'e' ngIlmo' vay' qejqu' ngaH. Sengmey tI'meH pa' pImDaq vumlI' ngaH. tI'lI' je qaH'eng 'e' Har ngaH. jatlh qaH'eng, «Qoreq, vajar lopno' DajaH DaneHDI' loQ chomer 'ej DaH DatoDta'. qanoHHa'pu', SuvwI'!»

tlho' lajqangbe' Qoreq. jatlh, «DujvaD Qu' vIta'taH.»

jatlh vajar, «qaH'eng, QapmeH QuD, jonwI' choQ wISeHnIS. pIQIH wIneHbe' ...»
SKI: qaH'eng has also been running deceptions in this game.
[266] True, disruptor power packs may not strictly be ammunition, but it's functionally equivalent, and I don't like saying rIHHa'lu' all the time. [268] vajar was going to make a joke here, but as I appreciate the audience participation, I'll leave it to you to make. Puns aren't really his thing. I think he'd be more of a Larry, Curly and Moe fan. He's really taken with that exploding head thing.

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