tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 26 11:02:54 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] boQ

Felix Malmenbeck ([email protected])

Not only has it not been contradicted; it's been explicitly confirmed!


MO: Yeah. And another kind; {boQ}, the verb means <assist> but the noun
    means <aide>, which is the doer or the agent. It's a wholly different
    semantic relationship.


That being said:

> tuqarmoHDI' HIghuH!

I react to the concept a person being <qar>. As I see it, a statement can be <qar>, and people can be <lugh>, but never the other way around.
[This is probably another case where one's mother tongue comes into the picture: In Swedish, a statement "är rätt" and a person "har rätt", and both sentences and people can "vara korrekta", in the case of a sentence it refers to accuracy, whereas in the case of humans it refers to behaving in an acceptable fashion.
Likewise, a statement "är fel" (is wrong) and a person "har fel" (has wrong). To say that a person "är fel" is usually a grave insult.]

That being said, paq'batlh includes at least one reference to <mu'mey val> ("wise words"), whereas I thought this word referred only to beings, so I've been wrong at least once before.

qurgh, myself and a few others had a delightful exchange on the KIDC forums on whether or not a birthday could be said to be happy:

From: Qov [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 19:45
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Tlhingan-hol] boQ

Hey jatlhwI'pu',

I've been corrected a couple of times for using boQ instead of boQwI'
or boQDu' and accepted it meekly because I know my command of canon
isn't what it used to be. I'm working on correcting that, though and
I've just started typing TKD into a flashcard program. And boQ is
aide. I was right all along.  I know it's not an Americanism, because
the markings on American first aid kits are spelled aid. boQ is a
boQwI', an aide.  Or has that been specifically contradicted by Marc somewhere?

Now shame on me for not standing up for myself sooner. I've let
knowledge turn into habit and not developed the tools to distinguish
knowledge-based habits from incorrect habits. tuqarmoHDI' HIghuH!

- Qov

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