tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 18 13:05:28 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh cha'maH cha': <QIptaH>

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt;&gt; But does {Qay} even work for &quot;transfer&quot; in the sense of going from<br>
&gt;&gt; serving on one ship to serving on another, or going from travelling on<br>
&gt;&gt; one ship to travelling on another?  It seems like it means &quot;transfer&quot;<br>
&gt;&gt; in the sense of &quot;to move a substance from one place to another&quot;, based<br>
&gt;&gt; on the two (admittedly not very conclusive) canon examples.</p>
&gt; Moving a substance from container to container and moving a mang from commander to commander are fundamentally different to you?  I might question its use for boarding a different ship in the course of the same journey, but think that transferring between posts matches the meaning if anything does.</p>

<p>I&#39;m not objecting to its use, and I&#39;d understand it when it&#39;s used in that way.  But in English, to &quot;transfer&quot; from one ship to another means more than the merely physical act of leaving the first ship and boarding the second; one is also &quot;transferring&quot; one&#39;s loyalty/service in a non-physical way.  It&#39;s this non-physical meaning that I&#39;m not sure {Qay} retains.  Also, the object seems to be the thing transferred; the subject does the transferring (act of moving) the object.</p>

<p>Going by the {Hergh QaywI&#39;} and {HoS QaymeH &#39;och} examples, I would say that in physically moving a passenger from ship A to ship B, a shuttlecraft {Qay}s (i.e., &quot;transfers&quot;) that passenger.  But I wouldn&#39;t say &quot;the passenger has transferred *{Qay}ed from ship A to ship B&quot; (either physically, or in the sense of changing where they serve).  If someone said it I&#39;d understand what they meant, though.</p>

&gt; What would you say instead?</p>
<p>If I had to describe someone &quot;transferring&quot; from one ship to another (in the sense of serving on a different ship): {DujvetlhDaq toy&#39;choH.}  Context should make it unnecessary, but if I had to clarify: {DujvamDaq toy&#39; &#39;e&#39; mev.}</p>

<p>To say that someone was physically transferred to another ship, there&#39;s {jol}, {Qol}, {lup}, {qeng}, {lIgh}, etc., depending on their mode of transportation.</p>
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