tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 02 00:34:11 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Monopoly - New Canon

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; &gt; {ngIq} adv. each (we also saw this from {paq&#39;batlh})</p>
<p>QeS &#39;utlh:<br>
&gt; I think this is not an adverb, but a noun, like {Hoch} and {&#39;op}.</p>
<p>Hagh qoHpu&#39; neH HeghtaHvIS SuvwI&#39;pu&#39;.</p>
<p>bIlughbej.  {Hoch} {&#39;op} je rur.  DIp &#39;oH.</p>
<p>I somehow got it stuck in my head that it was similar to {ghIq}, but you&#39;re right, reading the canon sentences as if {ngIq} behaved like {Hoch} makes more sense.</p>
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