tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 28 10:22:43 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' javmaH Soch: <voqHa'chuqghach>

Qov ([email protected])

Here are some end-of-story notes and follow up on the last
1. As well as writing what is turning into an epic tlhIngan Hol saga,
I've given myself the additional storytelling challenge of committing to
chapters by sending them out, before the whole story is finished. I
slipped up yesterday, for example, with the lieutenant's ETA. I can't
quite make that make sense with the story as it has progressed since, so
I'm going to retroactively delete &lt;ghaytan wejHu' mapaw&gt; from his
transmission.&nbsp; Didn't happen. That's not what he said. It was a
glitch in your subspace receivers. <br><br>
2. ghunchu'wI' started discussion on the thing that I found.<br>
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Qov &lt;[email protected]&gt;
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; jatlh &quot;qavoqbe'
&gt; ...<br>
&gt; [38] Ok this is a way more interesting question than the one about
whether I<br>
&gt; should use the word jatlh or ja' every time I use quotation marks. I
want to<br>
&gt; see how you react to this, then I will tell you what I am thinking
about it.<br><br>
Hey, that's neat. I didn't think anything of it when I read it,<br>
besides quietly noting that it was properly formed as reported
according to TKD. Now that you point it out as something worth<br>
focusing on, I realize that what she actually had said was
It works. I'm willing to consider it the moral equivalent of<br>
tense-mangling in English reported speech: &quot;You said you were
donuts next week.&quot; If you think too hard, it seems broken, but
the right way to do it.</blockquote><br>
As ghunchu'wI' pointed out, what 'eSSIm said was vIvoqbe' - I don't trust
him . What Mahoun would say in English would be &quot;You said you don't
trust me.&quot; Outside the context of this story, if I asked you how to
say &quot;You said you trust me,&quot; in Klingon, everyone would say
&lt;bIjatlh qavoq&gt; (or &lt;qavoq bIjatlh&gt;). So does the fact that
the context made her actual word be vIvoq mean that bIjatlh qavoq is not
correct here? I think bIjatlh qavoq means &quot;you said you trust
me&quot; regardless of whether the actual words spoken were,
&quot;QIpbogh novvetlh SuD vIvoq,&quot; &quot;DaHjaj qavoqchoH,&quot;
&quot;I trust you&quot; or even &quot;Hovmey Davan.&quot; For example in
an earlier draft the next line was &quot;SaH Duj bIjatlhDI'.&quot; I
don't think Mahoun ever said the wards &quot;SaH Duj&quot; but he said
other words that avered the existence of a ship, and no one would protest
that &lt;SaH Duj bIjatlhDI'&gt; is not the way to say when you said there
was a ship would they? I think a Klingon can say &quot;You said there was
a ship,&quot; without saying &lt;bIjatlh INSERT_EXACT_QUOTATION_HERE.&gt;
This is the difference between quoted speech and reported speech that I
was getting at in the earlier discussion about whether my use of
quotation marks instead of attributed speech tags was acceptable. (For
the record, and I'm sure the proponents of always using them have
noticed, <font face="Times New Roman, Times"> </font>I've started using
them almost always. I still feel that there's a difference when a
character is saying &quot;Person X said this&quot; as opposed to when *I*
am saying it. But the more I thought about it the more I wanted to use
ja' and jatlh each time.) <br><br>
And I think it's cool that although this is quite an important aspect of
reported speech, that it took so long for me to get here, in my
Klingon-speaking career.<br><br>
3. I'm not using a proper way of tracking footnotes, just manually
popping them at the end of the story and sometimes they or their indices
get lost as I edit. Here are some leftovers:<br><br>
[26] If you're wondering why the vutwI' reports to the HungpIn it's
because traditionally the HungpIn and the captain were the only ones with
access to on board valuables, and in a slow prewarp ship food and water
were the only things of real value, so the HungpIn unlocked the food for
the vutwI' and supervised to see that it was not stolen. Okay that and
the fact that I got to this chapter before I realized, ?you know, there
are about twenty-five people on this ship, working all hours of the day
and night, and they have to cope with alien food supplies. They really
ought to have someone in charge of that. And as I made my org chart in MS
Paint it's really hard to move around, thus the vutwI' went where she
fit. <br><br>
[28] I orignally wrote two whole 'ay'mey on the captain looking for his
jacket. I got a hold of myself, though and deleted it all, realizing that
the information therein transmitted in a flashback would be much more
interesting done directly, because it doens't matter when it happens
exactly.&nbsp; So it will come up in a later 'ay''a'.<br><br>
[30] Despite the numerous technical and plot errors in this story, I
wanted to assure you I am doing some research. I checked to see if
Andorians can eat chocolate (no), verified the number of lungs bIraqlul
has given to Klingons (3), used the Lorentz contraction formula, checked
out microscope photos of saliva, and scanned papers like
<a href=""; eudora="autourl"></a>
 to try and figure out what sort of things 'eSSIm cared about.<br><br>
P.S. When are the thirty days up? I have a deleted scene I want to send,
but it is dependent on a number of new words.</body>
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