tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 23 02:47:24 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] EuroTalk word for "postcard"

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

QeS &#39;utlh:<br>
&gt; I&#39;ve just noticed something very peculiar about my copy of the Eurotalk<br>
&gt; software while going through it again: &#39;echletHom is only found in the<br>
&gt; pIqaD version. The romanised text gives it as ngeHmeH QIn nav &quot;paper for<br>
&gt; sending a message&quot;.</p>
<p>Sorry for resurrecting an old message, I&#39;m going through the Eurotalk vocabulary right now and entering them into my lexicon.</p>
<p>{ngeHmeH QIn nav} is &quot;message paper for sending&quot;.  Did you mean {QIn ngeHmeH nav}?  I know the text was replaced so it doesn&#39;t really count as canon, but presumably if a Klingon was asked to describe what a {QIn &#39;echletHom} is rather than just name it, he&#39;d say whatever the original text was, and I&#39;m curious as to whether it told us anything new about how {ngeH} is used</p>

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