tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 22 07:52:20 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon dialogue from the movie "Paul"?

Robyn Stewart ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

jISaHbe' is in the appendix to The Klingon Dictionary and jay' is four pages later, but it really takes some understanding of the translation process to make that leap. I know I'd freak out had I gone to see a movie and discovered that kind of random Klingon.

At 05:19 22/12/2011, De'vID jonpIn wrote:
jIHvaD ja' vay', jatlh: jIH'a' much "Paul" Daleghchugh, tlhIngan Hol
jatlhlu' 'e' DaQoylaH.  jIH'a' muchvam vIlegh vIneHbe'mo', YouTubeDaq
muchvam 'ay'Hom vISam.

tlhIngal Hol jatlhlu'bej. jatlh vay': {jISaHbe' jay'}.  'etlh je'
neHlaw' ghaH 'ach wagh 'ej yapbe' HuchDaj.  jIH'a' muchvamDaq latlh
tlhIngan Hol jatlhlu''a'?  much qonwI'pu' QaH'a' vay'?

SKI: Someone told me the movie "Paul" had Klingon in it.  I watched a
clip in YouTube where someone says {jISaHbe' jay'}.  The subtitle was
"f--- that".  The context was he wanted to buy a sword, but didn't
have enough money, so he exclaimed that he hadn't wanted it after all.
 Were there other Klingon lines in the movie?  Did the writers have
help (i.e., from the KLI)?  (I ask because that's actually not a bad
translation, given the context, and it's much better than the usual
look-up-each-word which would probably have resulted in something like
*{ngagh vetlh}.)


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