tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 14 08:23:27 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yov

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

> There's also the verb {Huj} "charge (up)".  Some think this means charge in the electrical sense, but Okrand has  AFAIK never commented on this verb nor used it in a sentence.  If this is what he had in mind, it seems to duplicate the verb {rIH} "energize".  Perhaps something to do with charging (adding energy) to a battery, phaser, etc.?

Speaking as a {jonpIn} {{:-) "to charge (up)" and "to energize" are
not at all the same thing!  To charge up is to store energy in a
battery, whereas to energize is to release that energy into a device
or in some other usable form.  That is, one charges up ({Huj}) the
transporter's battery packs (or whatever Treknology is used to store
energy), perhaps at a space dock, so that it can be ready for use;
when one wants to use it, one then energizes ({rIH}) the transporter

I believe these words may have been intended to translate the
following lines from Star Trek III:
Torg (after his ship is hit, trying to arm the emergency torpedo
tube): "Emergency power re-charge ({Huj}) is 40 percent."
Kirk (about to transport off his ship): "We are energizing ({rIH})
transporter beam... now."


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