tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 14 05:48:04 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tIH

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

Philip Newton:<br>
&gt; &gt; Klingon word: tIH<br>
&gt; &gt; Part of speech: noun<br>
&gt; &gt; Definition: shaft (of spear)<br>
&gt; Homophonous with the noun {tIH} &quot;ray&quot; (TKD).<br>
&gt; I&#39;m guessing that the &quot;ray&quot; meaning may have originated as a<br>
&gt; metaphorical extension of the &quot;spear shaft&quot; meaning - the rays of<br>
&gt; (say) a star being considered like spears being sent out.</p>
<p>chaq naQjej wa&#39;DIch chentaHvIS qeylIS maSwov tIH lo&#39;.  qItbe&#39;chugh ghu&#39; ghaHvaD qay&#39;be&#39;.  betleH chenmeH jIbDaj lo&#39; &#39;e&#39; wISovchu&#39;.  </p>
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