tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 10 00:16:28 2011

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh wa': <nuq lIjpu'?>

Qov ([email protected])

Mahoun was explaining his fears of somehow having been turned into a
Klingon spy.<br><br>
jatlh QeDpIn, ?Mahoun, yuQmajDaq maHqa'taHDI' yab po'wI' DaSuch 'e'
vIqap. 'a DaH qajotmoHlaH. DuHbe' mIw DaDellI'bogh. ghoqwI'
lumojmoHlaHbe' tlhInganpu'.?<br><br>
jatlh HungpIn, ?ghaytan tlhIngan Hol ngeD law' latlh Holmey ngeD puS.
valqu'be' tlhInganpu', qar'a'??[126]<br><br>
jatlh QeDpIn, ?wanI'meymo' DaSIQpu'bogh bImaw'chu'be'mo' Qun
?lu'.? jatlh Mahoun 'ej De'wI' roQ. jIH leghDI' HungpIn taDchoH 'e' legh
Mahoun. jatlh, ?nuq? Daghov'a'??<br><br>
jatlh HungpIn, ?HIja'. janvam DaSIQ'a'?? <br><br>
jatlh Mahoun. ?HISlaH. Heghpu'DI' yaS wa'DIchma' lomvo' vItlhaplu'pu'.
pa'Daq jan muqeQ. 'oy'be' 'ach lulo'taHvIS poH vIqawlaHbe'. nuq
jatlh HungpIn ?tuQDoq 'oH. QaQ nagh beQlIj. vIghovlaHchu'.? Duj qawHaqDaq
mIllogh Sam HungpIn. jatlh ?qechmey qon. yIn naQ qonlaH 'ach qaSchugh yab
Sang. ghoqwI' DamojmoHlaHbe'bej, 'ach wanI'mey DalIjmoHlaH. Da'omlaHbe'.
bIleSchugh chaq bIHeghbe', 'a yIHeghrup, yablIj SanglaH. 'ampaSDaq
jatlhlu'. not yab ghun net jatlh. yab chImmoHlaH neH.?[127]<br><br>
jatlh Mahoun, ?tlhIngan Hol mughojmoHbe'law' janvetlh. bIghHa'Daq
jIHtaHvIS 'avwI'pu' vIyajbe' 'e' vIqaw. mu' puS vIyaj, ra'DI' 'avwI' neH.
murotlhmoHlaw' jan.?<br><br>
jatlh QeDpIn, ?DurotlhmoH'a'? chay'??<br><br>
jatlh Mahoun, ?jImejpa' lulo'qa'. lulo'taHvIS poH vIlIjqa' 'ach lelHa'DI'
loQ vIlegh. jan rap 'oH 'e' vIHar. 'ej lulo'DI' jIrotlhchoH. 'oHmo' SIbI'
jIwochchoH 'ej jIHoSchoH. ghIq mutlhabmoHlaw' DIvI'. bIghHa'vo' muDev
vay' 'ej 'anDorya'ngan Duj choghvat vItoS 'e' vIqaw. muQorgh
'anDornganpu'.? tam Mahoun, 'anDornganpu' qawtaHvIS. ?pIj QIp DIvI' ngoch
'ach juHDaq muqemta'.?<br><br>
jatlh QeDpIn, ?'anDorngan val law' Human val puS.?<br><br>
QeDpIn rI' meH. jangDI' rollIw jatlh QumpIn, ?HoD HIjatlhmoH.?<br><br>
jatlh QeDpIn, ?yIloS.? HoDvaD jatlh ?bIvumrup'a'??<br><br>
jatlh HoD, ?Huch vIbajnIS. QumwI' HInob.? QumwI'vaD jatlh HoD, ?jatlh
Mahoun HoD. qaStaH nuq??<br>
SKI: The security chief recognizes one of Mahoun's memories, and then
they go back to work.<br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times">[126] Another one for the ?language
does not work that way? file. I'm not thinking she got an ?A? in Fed
Standard class. <br>
[127] It's not quite the canon use of the tuQDoq and apparently
contradicts a cooperative story (on the KLI MUSH) that I made up almost
15 years ago, but the Yelwitian security chief's description is the way
it works in this universe.</font> </body>
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