tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 03 10:22:54 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] New to the language - word lists and use of words out of normal language

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

Andrey Kuznetsov:<br>
&gt;&gt; Why isn&#39;t there an open source Klingon Dictionary project?<br>
&gt; [...]<br>
&gt;&gt; Is it because there&#39;s no such existing project or because people like to<br>
&gt;&gt; maintain their own separate versions and don&#39;t want to share/etc?</p>
&gt; I think it has mostly been a big reason that the users had a big respect or<br>
&gt; even some &quot;fear&quot; of the publishers of the dictionary, be it Simon &amp;<br>
&gt; Schuster, Pocket books, Paramount, CBS - whatever. We never wanted to<br>
&gt; compete or get in trouble with any of those people who have all the rights<br>
&gt; (whatever those might be) and have many lawyers.</p>
<p>I have compiled my own lexicon, which I access using software I wrote/adapted for my Android phone.  Some people saw it at the qepHom&#39;a&#39;.  Part of the reason for not opening the data is, as you said, legal ambiguities around the data (it contains trademarked terms like &quot;Klingon&quot;) and the desire not to divert revenue from Paramount and their licensees.  But another reason is that my compilation is highly personalised, and contains terms not strictly canon but in common use, fragments of canon sentences with interesting grammar, notes on puns and guesses at etymology (both in- and out-of- universe), synonyms, antonyms, and related terms for each entry, etc., all of which are very useful to me, but which I would not want someone else to take as authoritative.  I suspect that many other people who have compiled their own lexicons have similarly injected their own interpretations of the language into it.</p>

<p>-- <br>
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