tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 03 02:19:39 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] New to the language - word lists and use of words out of normal language

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; jIHvaD bIghelbe&#39; &#39;e&#39; vISov, &#39;ach jIjang vIneH.<br>
&gt; Ultralingua vIlo&#39;be&#39;, &#39;ej not &#39;oH vIlegh.<br>
&gt; &#39;ach &#39;evnaghDaq jInejchugh, De&#39;vetlh vISam:<br>
&gt; <a href="";></a><br>
&gt; lI&#39;law&#39;, &#39;ej iPhone jan rurlaw&#39;. Do&#39;Ha&#39; iPhone vIghajbe&#39; je :-(</p>
<p>iPhone vIghajbe&#39; jIH je.</p>
<p>qoqyoq* ghogh HablI&#39; vIghaj. jIHvaD tlhIngan Hol mu&#39;ghom vIghunta&#39;. </p>
<p>[qoqyoq = android]</p>
&gt; lI&#39;qu&#39;. mu&#39;ghom lugherta&#39; tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI&#39;pu&#39; pov.<br>
&gt; qen mu&#39;mey chu&#39; luchellu&#39;&#39;a&#39;. jISovbe&#39;. Do&#39;Ha&#39; Suverya&#39; «App Store»vo&#39; janvam teqlu&#39;pu&#39; :(</p>
<p>qatlh teqlu&#39;pu&#39;?</p>
<p>-- <br>
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